Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hollywood Goes Green

Ed Begley Jr. is leading the Hollywood Goes Green conference Dec.11-12. You'll be hearing more about this but one session caught my eye:

Easy Rider: Fuel Saving and Energy Efficient Vehicles MTV is giving its signature show "Pimp My Ride" a green makeover as part of MTV's public awareness campaign to persuade viewers to do their bit to slow global warming. Larry David drives a Prius in "Curb Your Enthusiasm." How can the depiction of cars in film and television influence public opinions and auto sales? Cars are among the top culprits for gobbling up the atmosphere by producing carbon dioxide emissions. In addition to the on-screen effort, what sort of programs can Hollywood adapt to reduce its dependence on automobiles? Hybrid cars for executives? Corporate carpooling incentives? Luxury vehicles with fuel-saving measures? More telecommuting to reduce auto emissions?

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